Arkansas Bids > Bid Detail

Construction of approximately 0.5 miles (2,640 linear feet) of new 8 ft wide gravel trail following BMP standards set by TNC to reduce the possibility of erosion.

Agency: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Level of Government: State & Local
  • 56 - Construction and Building Materials
  • Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities
Opps ID: NBD15618134983314802
Posted Date: Dec 11, 2023
Due Date: Jan 15, 2024
Source: https://classifieds.arkansason...

Invitation to Bid – Section 001113
Notice is hereby given pursuant to this Request for Bids (this “RFB”) that sealed bids (in each case, a “Bid”) for the project described below (the “Project”) will be received by The Nature Conservancy, a District of Columbia non-profit corporation (“TNC” or “Owner”) up to the hour of 5:00 p.m. Central Time on Monday January 15, 2024 following which the Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud.
Those who wish to submit a Bid (in each case, a “Bidder”) may register with TNC by emailing an indication of their interest to TNC, in care of Caleb Pierce at the following email address: providing the name of the person or entity interested in bidding, as well as the name of a contact person and that person’s telephone number and email address.
The work to be performed in completing the Project (the “Work”) is to be completed by June 1, 2024 as provided herein, and shall consist of furnishing all equipment, tools, labor, and other work or items incidental thereto in order to carry out the Work, consisting essentially of:
Construction of approximately 0.5 miles (2,640 linear feet) of new 8 ft wide gravel trail following BMP standards set by TNC to reduce the possibility of erosion. Includes construction of trail surface and such other work as may be necessary to complete the Work as specified in the contract(s) ultimately let to do the Work (in each case, a “Construction Contract”), the components of which are described in this RFB (collectively, the “Contract Documents”), including (but not limited to) the plans and specifications which are set out in the Construction Documents (collectively, the “Plans and Specifications”).
A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM, Tuesday January 9, 2024, at the William Kirsch Preserve location, 8803 Ranch Blvd, Little Rock, AR 72223. Potential Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting.
Any changes to this RFB or any of the documents which are included or referenced herein (collectively, the “Bid Documents”) which are made as a result of the pre-bid conference or later questions from Bidders will be issued as addenda to this RFB (in each case, an “Addendum”) to all potential Bidders who have registered with TNC as provided above.
TNC hereby notifies all prospective Bidders that minority and women-owned business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids, and that no Bidders will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin in consideration for award of any Construction Contract(s).
TNC hereby notifies all bidders that this contract is subject to applicable labor laws, non-discrimination provisions, wage rate laws and other federal laws including the Fair Labor Standards Acts of 1938. The Work Hours Act of 1962 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also apply.”
“Buy America” provisions apply to this project. The Arkansas Department of Transportation’s Standard Specifications Section 100 has requirements and restriction for Buy America. Also, 23 CFR Sec. 635.410 has all the federal requirements for Buy America.

Bids/Requests |
Post Date: 12/10 12:00 AM


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